DESERT RIDGE, INC. is a beautiful and well-managed Fairfield Homes subdivision in Green Valley, consisting of 98 townhouse and detached homes on the ridge ringed by the private Desert Hills Golf Course. Development began in 1983. All homes have either mountain views or fairway views.
All Owners in Desert Ridge, Inc. are Members of the Desert Ridge HOA and the terms are used interchangeably.
The community is managed by 5 elected, volunteer Directors who are owner/residents.
HOA BOARD MEETINGS are held at 8 a.m. the third Monday of each month at the Desert Hills Lutheran Church, 2150 S Camino Del Sol, Room 102 from September through May. All Members of Desert Ridge HOA are welcome to observe the Board conduct business.
The Board Meetings follow Roberts' Rules of Order.
If you wish to speak at the Board meeting, please call President, Ruth Krawczyk, 740-629-8960, to get on the Agenda.
Committee Meetings are also open to Members. Please call the committee chair (listed under the Management tab) if you are interested in attending that committee's meetings. Committee meetings and info are calendared on the website.
Since 2014, it is the official policy that HOA info and news are provided to the Owners via email and the website at
Owners are required to provide a current email address.
Please send your contact information President RUTH KRAWCZYK.
The Contact List is used for important newsletters or updates or possible emergency notices.
Lynn Potter also maintains the permanent files of each owner and needs current contact info.
This info is used to create the Directory of Owners published on the website so you can contact your neighbors.
The Directory of all Owners' contact info is on the website, password protected.
Contact Karen Rainford, webmaster, for the password if you have forgotten it or to update your contact info.
[email protected] or 651-454-5487
We can also provide you with a reminder card at your request.
Be sure your contact info is current and notify the President and Webmaster with any changes.
Electronic communication is necessary because:
An Annual Meeting is traditionally held in February each year. This meeting is specifically held to inform the Members about the previous year's activities, finances, new laws, etc. The Board does not conduct business at this meeting. If balloting is needed, to elect new officers for the Board or to amend Bylaws or CC&Rs, etc., the Election inspectors will count ballots during the meeting and announce results. The Notice of Annual Meeting is published in December and a link to the Agenda is added by early February.
BALLOTING: Desert Ridge HOA follows procedures set by AZ law and the Planned Communities Act regarding absentee voting. Nominations from the floor are not allowed. Ballots cannot be accepted after the start of the Annual Meeting. Our HOA makes every effort to provide Owners with advance information on candidates for the Board of Directors and/or issues requiring the Owners' votes.
Issues and candidates requiring a vote from the Owners will be announced a month in advance.
Ballots will be hand-delivered by the 10 Block Captains or mailed to absentee owners at their Desert Ridge address. Absentee Owners are responsible for mail forwarding. Full instructions will be included.
No one knows HOW you voted, only THAT you voted.
These procedures provide for anonymous voting and ensure there is only one vote per household.
GOVERNING DOCUMENTS. Please read and adhere to the CC&Rs, Bylaws and Amendments and RULES & REGULATIONS.
They are published under their respective tabs. New CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations were enacted for 2016 by vote of the Owners. These documents set the standards to enhance and protect our property values as well as provide clear guidance to the Board and Committees in applying the standards consistently.
All Owners in Desert Ridge, Inc. are Members of the Desert Ridge HOA and the terms are used interchangeably.
The community is managed by 5 elected, volunteer Directors who are owner/residents.
HOA BOARD MEETINGS are held at 8 a.m. the third Monday of each month at the Desert Hills Lutheran Church, 2150 S Camino Del Sol, Room 102 from September through May. All Members of Desert Ridge HOA are welcome to observe the Board conduct business.
The Board Meetings follow Roberts' Rules of Order.
If you wish to speak at the Board meeting, please call President, Ruth Krawczyk, 740-629-8960, to get on the Agenda.
Committee Meetings are also open to Members. Please call the committee chair (listed under the Management tab) if you are interested in attending that committee's meetings. Committee meetings and info are calendared on the website.
Since 2014, it is the official policy that HOA info and news are provided to the Owners via email and the website at
Owners are required to provide a current email address.
Please send your contact information President RUTH KRAWCZYK.
The Contact List is used for important newsletters or updates or possible emergency notices.
Lynn Potter also maintains the permanent files of each owner and needs current contact info.
This info is used to create the Directory of Owners published on the website so you can contact your neighbors.
The Directory of all Owners' contact info is on the website, password protected.
Contact Karen Rainford, webmaster, for the password if you have forgotten it or to update your contact info.
[email protected] or 651-454-5487
We can also provide you with a reminder card at your request.
Be sure your contact info is current and notify the President and Webmaster with any changes.
Electronic communication is necessary because:
- Our 98 households have multiple addresses and owners who are part-time, absentee or traveling. Email and the website are accessible anywhere, anytime.
- The monthly Newsletters, Dues, Directory updates, legal Notices, Alerts and Calendar events are fast and easy to distribute with one click.
- Owners who need an answer NOW can find them on the website 24/7 . Please use the website to avoid calling Board and Committee members unnecessarily for info that is already available. Remember, they are volunteers.
- Paper, printing and postage are expensive, wasteful and labor intensive.
- The volunteer Board and Committees need efficient systems to get all the work done.
- Email gets emergency notices out to everyone, everywhere fast.
- Potentially, the website serves the community in multiple ways. Email the webmaster with your news or photos. lost and found, garage sales, animal issues, condolences, real estate rentals or sales in the Ridge, etc.
An Annual Meeting is traditionally held in February each year. This meeting is specifically held to inform the Members about the previous year's activities, finances, new laws, etc. The Board does not conduct business at this meeting. If balloting is needed, to elect new officers for the Board or to amend Bylaws or CC&Rs, etc., the Election inspectors will count ballots during the meeting and announce results. The Notice of Annual Meeting is published in December and a link to the Agenda is added by early February.
BALLOTING: Desert Ridge HOA follows procedures set by AZ law and the Planned Communities Act regarding absentee voting. Nominations from the floor are not allowed. Ballots cannot be accepted after the start of the Annual Meeting. Our HOA makes every effort to provide Owners with advance information on candidates for the Board of Directors and/or issues requiring the Owners' votes.
Issues and candidates requiring a vote from the Owners will be announced a month in advance.
Ballots will be hand-delivered by the 10 Block Captains or mailed to absentee owners at their Desert Ridge address. Absentee Owners are responsible for mail forwarding. Full instructions will be included.
No one knows HOW you voted, only THAT you voted.
These procedures provide for anonymous voting and ensure there is only one vote per household.
GOVERNING DOCUMENTS. Please read and adhere to the CC&Rs, Bylaws and Amendments and RULES & REGULATIONS.
They are published under their respective tabs. New CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations were enacted for 2016 by vote of the Owners. These documents set the standards to enhance and protect our property values as well as provide clear guidance to the Board and Committees in applying the standards consistently.
Mail to Desert Ridge HOA, 2980 S. Camino Del Sol #111, Green Valley, AZ 85622
email : [email protected]
Mail to Desert Ridge HOA, 2980 S. Camino Del Sol #111, Green Valley, AZ 85622
email : [email protected]